Category Archives: Useful Stuff

CNC Battery Backup

Category : Useful Stuff

CNC Battery Backup

It’s Holiday Time Woopeeee

  • Did you set the burglar alarm?
  • Switched all the lights off?
  • Turned off all the taps?
  • Locked up?
  • Fed the rats?

Oh just one other thing before you go.

CNC Battery Backup


CNC Battery Backup, I had a call from a customer the other day about a mysterious battery warning on the screen of his Haas CNC Lathe, it turns out he had been ignoring a battery alarm for a while. Battery warnings are a bit like strange rashes you ignore them at your peril.

I was too late the machine had lost its memory. A bit like the next day after you got drunk and everyone was telling you about how you got naked in the middle of the dance floor and to you it’s like it never happened.

No matter how many prompts you give the machine now, all is lost. When your battery backup goes unfortunately you don’t just loose your CNC Programmes, oh no you should be so lucky. Obviously it depends on the machine and the control and how the moon is aligned with the planets. You can loose all your parameters, all your offsets, all your settings everything. All in all it’s not good.

CNC Machine Parameters

The parameters are the most important one, if you ignore this whole article (like you did all my others) please don’t ignore this. It could almost scrap your machine, I jest not. All your machine backlash parameters would be lost and even if you had an identical machine these parameters would not be the same they are unique to each machine. You should have a disk or a paper tape or DVD, maybe somewhere in the machine cabinet. Make sure you have a copy of this and it is up to date.

CNC Battery Backup

On  most machines the CNC Battery Backup gets charged when the machine is on and when it’s off that battery keeps hold of all what’s needed for when you switch it back on again. This works fine until the battery gets knackered after a few years. You should get a warning and if you do then you ignore at your peril. The best thing to do now is don’t switch off the machine (the hydraulics is fine to turn off).

CNC Battery Backup

Just press the E Stop (the big one shown above) but don’t switch off the main power. Now get HELP. Oh and by the way if your machine has power saving or auto shut-down you may need to turn this off as some do power down the whole system, this will be in your settings.

CNC Battery Backup

It’s particularly worth looking at before a shutdown type holiday. You might not realise it but this might be the only time in a year when the machine is off for more than a few hours, and that’s when the trouble starts.

Even when everything is restored you need to be really careful it’s a bit like restoring factory settings on your mobile phone  “yea that’s OK” you say. Then for days you keep finding all those little customization you made and forgot about.

CNC Battery Backup

This is my phone (I like to have all the latest gadgets just like you young folk)

Oh By the way don’t forget the new classroom training courses.

CNC Classroom Training Courses    CNC Classroom Training Courses

If you are not familiar with the basics of Turning or Milling then you may need to take one of the course below before you do the New CNC Training Classes above.

CNC Classroom Training Courses    CNC Classroom Training Courses

CNC Battery Backup

Lets talk about what we can do with regards to CNC Battery Backup.

  • Get your machines on a regular maintenance contract.
  • Make sure you have an up to date backup of your machine parameters.
  • All backups should have an extra copy off the premises or in a fireproof safe
  • Always read alarms and don’t procrastinate, it can make you blind.
  • Never ignore warnings on the screen and keep your eyes out for quick flash warning as the machine comes on.
  • Don’t just keep programs in the machine you may have got away with it for years but one day……..

CNC Battery Backup

CNC Program Backup

The method I have found to work the best with regards to CNC program backup is to only keep in the machine the program you are currently using. That way you always have the most up to date program and it prompts operators to update the backup system after alterations. Also it will stop you relying on the machine memory.

There are many very good backup systems you can buy and I would recommend you get one. They usually have a way to quarantine a program so that the programmer can decide to update the master after alterations.

Make sure you have drawing issue numbers etc. on your programs and this covers you for ISO 90001 thingamy or whatever. Most machines have a way of saving all the programs at once and this is often a good temporary measure if your in a rush. On a Haas CNC Machine it puts them all into a single program.

Most machines have a way of saving your offsets either separately or with the programs and this is well worth checking out.

Read The Manual, CNC Battery Backup

This is not just an old man repeating himself yet again. It will tell you how to backup your parameters and offsets etc.

CNC Probes, Auto tool Measure, Lathe Measuring Arms

CNC Battery Backup

You will have to re calibrate these as the settings will be lost. Unless you saved your parameters that is. It is a good idea to write these figures down and if you didn’t do it before do it this time.

These settings effectively store where the probe is in relation to the coordinate system. If you don’t know how to calibrate your probe etc. it’s time to learn it is not only expensive to get this done it will stop you getting round to doing it. Once you have done it you will be surprised how easy it is.


Call me anytime

CNC Classroom Training Courses    CNC Classroom Training Courses

If you are not familiar with the basics of Turning or Milling then you may need to take one of the course below before you do the New CNC Training Classes above.

CNC Classroom Training Courses    CNC Classroom Training Courses

Please contact me if you require:

  • Fanuc training.
  • CNC programming training.
  • Want to learn CNC programming.
  • Fanuc programming training.
  • Yasnac programming training.
  • Any type of CNC course.

Don’t forget to watch my Tutorial Videos

Services offered at CNC Training Centre

Edgecam training.

Classroom programmer training.

Onsite CNC Machine Training.

CNC Training on all controls and machines.

Mazak Training Fanuc Training

Don’t forget we offer training on all types of Mazak Machines and all Fanuc Controls 6m to 31i Oi old to young.

Mazak Quick Turn 10 CNC Lathe. What’s not to Like?

Mazak Quick Turn 10

It’s been a while since I trained anyone on a Mazak Quick Turn Machine. Another training job completely out of the blue.

Custom Rifles, didn’t know what to expect really. Anyway a drive to Tunbridge Wells, where for the price of a garden shed you could probably buy my village in the Midlands.

I just want Mazak Training I’m not interested in your boring article.


Mazak Quick Turn

I ended up in glorious countryside on a farm in what felt like the middle of nowhere. The guy who runs this company (Paddy) has his workshop in the outbuildings of the farm.



It is like walking into Dr Who’s Tardis. This workshop wants for nothing, surface grinding, shot blasting. This guys even got a Faro Arm!

CMM Solutions

Two Haas machines and the Mazak Quick Turn 10. Not the tidiest of workshop but I am told it’s a work in progress.

It is really heartwarming to see such investment in tooling and modern equipment in what effectively is a one man band.

Paddy is a brilliant engineer and mostly self taught. Loads of the CNC stuff learnt from my website (happy days) . This guy googles everything but not in a “What I had for breakfast, oh fuck the cat just threw up” type of way.

This is very constructive use of google definitely the way forward.

He already had a pretty good understanding of what the machine could do. Being self taught, several gaps in his knowledge, so, in steps me, to fill em all up.

Paddy rebuilds, repairs and creates custom rifles.


I had forgotten just how brilliant these machine are. I don’t believe there is a quicker way to get a part from drawing to bubble wrap than the Mazak Quick Turn.

Check out this video on Tool Path Store another brilliant feature on the Mazak Quick Turn.


I’m not flogging these things by the way but if your reading this article I’m always open to offers. That is providing I keep my clothes on, well maybe not, how much we talking?

Mazak Quick Turn

From its original concept Mazatrol has never really got much better and that’s not a criticism. For turning it’s just bloody good, very bloody good.

G Code Programming

When I train people on G code type controls who have worked on Mazatrol and machines like the Quick Turn 10 they are stunned at how complex the programs are.


Mazak Quick Turn

Like for example on a Mazak you index the turret and you wanna use a tool. Now that’s not a big ask is it?

Well on most other controls you can’t because the bloody offset is not active. You can call it in MDI if you want. That is if you know how. Trouble is, the minute you press RESET it’s gone .

How to stop this from happening

On a Mazak once you index the turret that tool is active along with all its associated geometry.

That means you can start manual turning with hand wheel or jog and the diameter is what it says on the screen.

Mazak Quick Turn

So simple, so obvious but what a difference it makes. The list goes on and on as to how well thought out these Mazak Quick Turn machines are.

All the information is saved with the program. So that means your work offset, jaw details and chuck details are all there when you call the program again.


Now the graphics are not like“Assassin’s Creed Origins” but they are adequate and definitely help a lot. If you can be arsed to set the graphics up with chuck jaws n stuff then you can be certain all will be okay when you run it for real.

Mazak Quick Turn

You can even jump from the program directory straight to a graphic simulation of the part so there is no “oh shit I wish I’d made a note of what this does” moment. You quickly get to see what the program does.

Footnote: You should still add a program description (and there’s a facility for this too.)

Liar Liar Your Bums On Fire

One of the main criticisms I hear of Mazatrol is that you have to “Lie to it”. I think when you want to do something a bit unusual it’s sometimes hard to get Mazatrol to do it.

This Mazak Quick Turn 10 is a two axis CNC Lathe. Let’s be honest most of the bits you make are gonna be quite simple. If not then this is where the Manual Programming Unit steps in.

Manual programming units are the Mazak “Get Out Of Jail Free” card

You can go back to some very crude G code programming within Mazatrol. These Manual Programming Units can sometimes get you out of a jam. It is quite limited, in what G codes you can use, but it will help a lot.

Incremental is a bit strange because it does not use U and W like you would normally on a Fanuc type system. It puts like a sign after your X or Z to tell you it’s incremental.

Need To Know

It’s well documented how easy it is to program in Mazatrol so I won’t dwell on it.

If you have never used Mazatrol you need to check it out. I think it is the epitome of “need to know”. What I mean by that is that it’s the minimum amount of information to get it to make some bits.

You know stuff like do you want tool nose radius compensation? Of course you bloody do. So it doesn’t ask you, you just get it.

Mazak Quick Turn

Anyone who has only used Mazatrol probably wouldn’t know what you were on about. And why should they care?

It’s like knowing all the bits inside your telly who gives a shit when you just want to watch “Emmerdale Farm”. I don’t watch that crap by the way, honest.

Read On It’s Not All This Boring

This control can smoothly go into ISO programming. Not sure if this is an option but they all seem to have it.

So………. from a Mazatrol program you just jump into an ISO G code type program and everything works the same.

So what’s all the fuss about. If there’s something you can’t do in Mazatrol just write a bit of straight ISO G code type program and call it from your Mazatrol main program. So there you go job done stop whining.

Even the graphics work in ISO so there is no excuse.


When you finish your program you get this list of processes and you can really easily swap things around. You know like if you wanted to thread before you did the grooving, you can easily just swap the order.

Haas SL 10

Then you have this button that says Rough Priority. When you press it all the roughing is done first. How cool is that??

Mazak Quick Turn

Program Restart

It always amazes me that CNC Machines are never that good on this. Well Mazaks are not bad actually.

You can really easily start from any program unit in Mazatrol. It’s also got this Single Process thingy that’s been around for years. Dead useful though. It means you can just run one unit, so you don’t have to worry about it carrying on to the next unit it just does that unit and ends.

Useful for stuff like just going over a thread again.

You can’t actually break into a unit to restart but on CNC Lathes you nearly always just want to start at the beginning of a tool.

If you have an ISO program it’s still better than a lot I could name. A bit convoluted in a way only the Japanese seem to be able to do. Nevertheless seven out of ten.


I was accused of this years ago and once I’d looked it up I thought yea that’s me. “What’s the point of this you ask? He’s off again”

When you are running an ISO program and you are milling say a shape or something. You look at the program and you see something coming up that you never got round to changing. It could be a feedrate or something.

It’s something that can keep pissing you off cos you forget to do it.

Help is At Hand. On a Mazak you can actually go into edit and alter it then come back n continue your program.

I just love showing people that one, makes me feel like I earned my money.

Oh yea by the way this is only when you are in an ISO program not Mazatrol

Things I Don’t Like

  • Take That Records
  • Beef Burgers
  • Brass Bands

No I meant about this machine Mazak Quick Turn.

Not much actually, oh the editing is a bit slow.


Editing in ISO is a doddle.

Editing in Mazatrol is very cumbersome and when it comes to stuff like copying a unit you have to say what program it’s from and all sorts of bollocks. It wants your bank account number and sort code.

There are more questions than a fuckin mortgage application.

Moving units is the same not a pleasant customer experience. Once you get used to it and how the Mazak brain is wired it’s ok though.

Let’s Be Honest

There ain’t much to not like about the Mazak Quick Turn.

Check this out on VFC it’s brilliant.

Even if I were only going to use the machine is ISO (Fanuc type programming) and not use Mazatrol I would still seriously consider buying one of these machines.


  1. In ISO it’s easier to restart a program than most G code controls.
  2. The editing is easy.
  3. Better graphics than most. (It’s still like early space invaders)
  4. Erm…..

Oh yea I’d better do a plug for training. If you want to be trained on a Mazak give me a call.


Taking a Screen Shot Fanuc Control

Category : Fanuc Useful Stuff

To take a Screen Shot Fanuc, you will need to have either a data card installed or a USB

Screen Shot Fanuc


In MDI I/O channel needs to be set (4) data card or (17) memory stick

Screen Shot Fanuc

Stick the Card in (or the stick)

Press and hold the shift key for about 10 seconds. You will see the clock stop. That’s how you know it worked. Time will stand still at this point and all the people around you will appear static.

Try not to panic, the world didn’t end. Your control just needs to ponder a while and think about what you just did.

Stop The Clock

Once it’s done your clock wil start again (phew).

Screen Shot Fanuc

Then press CARDScreen Shot Fanuc

Screen will show what is on the data card

Screen Shot Fanuc

The BMP files are your screen shots. You can then view them on your laptop or PC.

Now I know you are saying “what is the fuckin is the use of that”

Well It’s just so that I can show off my knowledge.


If this does  not work then you may need to alter parameter 3301 bit zero and bit 7 need to be 1


Should look like this to make it work.

Screen Shot Fanuc

A good use is when you are changing parameters. There’s nothing worse than changing a parameter and trashing a £100,000 machine. Help is at hand, luckily you did a screen shot before you changed the parameter and you can view it and change it back.

With this parameter it wont work because you need to switch it on!!!

Good luck with the massive dent in the guarding and the bent tool. No screen shot will fix that.

Screen capture Fanuc, thanks for reading.


Haas Search Brackets (Find Code in Brackets)

Category : Beginners Useful Stuff

Haas Search Brackets. Everyone knows I am a fan of Haas machines I can often be found in the kitchen at parties boring the ass off of everyone talking about all the exciting things that they can do.Haas Search Brackets

Most people don’t have a clue what I’m on about as most of my friends are hairdressers, taxidermists or pornstars.

Anyway today I’m going to bore you with what I consider another master stroke from Mr Haas.

Be honest have you ever wanted to search for something that is in a bracket? Admit it you have haven’t you.

It’s a bit like searching for your phone when you left it in the fridge.

O0001 (David’s CNC Programme)

T05 M06 (20mm Endmill)

G90 G00 G54 X50. 50. S1500 M03
G43 Z3. H05 M08

G81 G98 Z-20. R1. F100.

T06 M06 (50 mm Face mill was T07)



If your answer to the above question was no then you are on the wrong website go buy a new car or something it’s way more exciting.

Anyway it’s easy. If you wanted to find the T07 in the code above, see it there hiding away in those brackets?

T06 M06 (50 mm Face mill was T07)

Haas Search Brackets Here’s How

Anyway all you need to do is type (T07) then press your lower cursor. In other words parenthesise the T07.

Just showing off to my younger readers, or just plain thick readers, parenthesise means put it in brackets.

Haas Search Brackets

Sorry about the shit picture but I’m on a very tight budget here.

How easy is that?

Authors Note

I’ve been thinking about this one and I can’t really think of where you might use it. Sorry for wasting your time.

Thanks for watching and reading

If you have been affected by any of the issues in this post or need CNC Counselling then contact me.

Siemens 828 840 Sinumerik Training

Or call us on : 07834 858 407

If you want to learn to programme CNC Milling Machines

Look no further Contact CNC Training Centre




Colchester Tornado CNC Lathe

Classroom Training Click Here


Colchester Tornado

Colchester Tornado

A visit to Halesowen to train on this beast. Nice simple two axis Colchester Tornado 90, this guys got six, mmmm.

This one has the following:

  • 12 station turret, just about enough.
  • Fanuc 21i T and it’s got Macro too, lovely.
  • Absolute encoders, useful no zero return required
  • 4000rpm spindle with a collet chuck
  • Bar-feeder (hydrafeed)
  • VDI turret these are great for accurately and quickly changing tools
  • This particular machine has a 42mm bar capacity.
Colchester Tornado
Available from Fortis Tools


No it’s not a sexually transmitted disease, it’s that funny round thing with a pattern on at the back of the tool.

If you have this you’ll love it because it means you can quickly change a complete tool holder and it repeats really accurately.

Halesowen West Midlands

I’ve not been to Halesowen since 1974 I actually worked as a singer in a nightclub there. The band was “Sweet Rain” I wouldn’t google that one if I was you, if you don’t want to see some dodgy porn movie.

There was certainly no sexual innuendo intended back in 1970 when that name was conceived.

That’s me back then

These dates are not accurate but the price of oil quadrupled in 1974 and there was a shortage. I remember there was a 50mph speed limit on the motorway meaning the 50 mile journey took much longer.

It takes even longer today but that’s another grumble for a different post from me.

I’m a bit bored with 70’s music now but it was great at the time. I remember what it was like to be a tall man, my platforms adding over a foot to my total height. Us little guys were very reluctant to let the platforms go.

I still wear mine on occasions where I want to impress, especially with my mates all being taller than me.

Colchester Tornado

I remember years ago trying to set up a CNC Machine shop on a budget and it was almost impossible. The cost of machines being massive and the second hand market almost non existent. I ended up buying a Beaver, stop sniggering you infantile.

I know it’s now a euphemism but this was 1981 and Beavers were known for their hard work and making dams.

Sorry am I digging myself deeper into this?

Anyway if there had have been good CNC machines around then at the right price I’d now be sunning myself on a Caribbean island instead of writing this gratuitous shit that nobody reads.

Don’t know what gratuitous means but it sounds impressive in that sentence you must admit.

These machines can certainly deliver, now they are not exactly the Carlos Alcaraz in terms of looks but unless you’re a CNC geek like me you wont be taking selfies with one of these to impress your mates with the company you keep.

They ooze pragmatism, much like my wife they get things done, she can plough a large field in an afternoon on a good day.

My Colchester Tornado doesn’t have a tool presetting arm like this one.

Colchester Tornado

That really is a crying shame but let’s not get too upset

Here’s a nice video on how to use cut and measure.

Definitely more time consuming than if you have a measurement arm. So it’s something to look out for if you are buying one of these machines.

Calibration of these arms is not too difficult either. I would suggest you get some one like me or a service engineer to do it for you the first time and watch carefully. You should be able to do it yourself next time.

There is no separate rapid override on this Colchester Tornado. It’s just one control. A bit strange and scarry in equal measures until you get used to it.

I actually got to like it in the end.

Colchester Tornado

No markings at all on ours, welcome to the world of old machines. Anyway it overrides your rapid and your feed rate all in one dial.

Just reember to leave it at 12 o’clock.

Absolute Encoders

Cool, very cool. When you switch this beast on you don’t need to zero return it. Just straight on with business.

What’s An Absolute Encoder David?

I haven’t had an alcoholic drink for nearly 20 years, that’s another story for another time. Anyway I still go out with my mates and they still get absolutely blind, dogshit, pissed.

Come 2am I am the only one who knows exactly where I am, in fact I know where I am at all times.

Well I’m the one with the absolute encoder.

Absolute encoders know where they are even when you switch off your machine. Therefore no need to zero return the axis.

New Shit (Colchester Tornado)

Yes always something new, I must admit it is amazing now a days how you can use shit in almost any context. In my days it was something confined to a toilet, but now it can mean whatever you want.

I personally use it everywhere but I have always loved swearing. My mum used to say “it’s not clever to swear”. Now listen kids I admit to not being clever but I must tell you swearing is great fun, long may it live.

Anyway “new shit” I learn something new on every machine I work on.

M51 means that M30 no longer stops and rewinds. M30 just rewinds and the machine will carry on.

It now thinks it’s an M99.

M52, you guessed it switches the M30 back to it’s normal self.

(Never seen that before, probably made up by Mr Colchester)

No G53….. What?

Not sure if this is an option but most newer machines I work on have it.

Fuck, this ain’t got it. Shame. Can I live without it?

Probably not, watch this space.

What is G53? You mean you don’t know? Shame on you.

No Copy n Paste

Editing is really painful on this beast as you can’t copy n paste at all and using brackets for comments is a mind numbing painful experience to be avoided at all cost. It does tend to piss one off but work with what you got boys.


So if you are buying a Colchester Tornado be prepared to take a trip back in time when it comes to the editing process.

Check what spec the control is. Not sure how you do this but I recon you just have to try these G  codes to see if they work.

If you know a more scientific way then please let me know. Anyway if this was my machine I would definitely be doing my major program surgery offline.

Nice touch

It has the normal feed-hold but it also has cycle hold.

This means you can halt the program and stop spindle then open the door and have a look around. Then when you close the door you can carry on. Great. The luxury.

How Simple.

You would be forgiven for thinking all CNC’s would do this, take it from me, and I’m old enough to remember when we had fish in the rivers instead of tampons and human excrement, they fuckin don’t.

Stuff I like on Colchester Tornado

Second hand these machines are great value.

Most of em have VDI turrets. (Look out for it)

Cycle hold can stop program for inspection .

If you press F2 you can rotate the turret in reverse to quickly get your tool.

Absolute encoders (no need to zero return)

Loads of em about so therefore easy to get fixed.

Easy to fix yourself.

4000rpm spindle.

Fanuc control, and yes I slagged it but everyone knows it, so if you buy one of these and you advertise for someone to use it they will flood your inbox.

Stuff I Don’t Like on Colchester Tornado

Fanuc control, shit to edit.

Rapid override scare the living bollocks out of me.

Buttons tend to wear down, might be worth investing in new ones.

Tend to be dirty but you can always clean it.

Old Fanuc controls have very small memories.

No tool arm, it’s an option so check if you have one.


This machine is not super precision, it’s not super fast although definitely not slow.

To make a car analogy it’s like buying an old ford car. You know you won’t need a second charge on your house in order to get it fixed and there are loads of em about.

Parked on the drive it might look a bit shit but never mind. My mate once said to me, sat behind the wheel of his new Mercedes “you still driving that old wardrobe”

No-one gets to insult my V70 Volvo. “Yes” was my reply “and when it breaks down I’ll put it in my wheelie bin with the rubbish and buy another one for one months payment on that Mercedes”

Because the Colchester Tornado is common there is plenty of knowledge and bits out there.

Old Fanuc Control? Well that means it’s easy to find someone to work it.

Easy to get training (just come to me)

The price means you can almost have one in the garage. My wife said no but you might have more luck.






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