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CNC Training Courses Basic Turning
Learn to Program CNC Lathe
Duration: 3 days
Date: See course dates
Times: Start 9.30am Finish 4.00pm
Location: Nottingham, NG7 2TS, England
£750 for the three days
Apply Now
Or call David: 07834 858 407
CNC Training Courses Basic Turning (Learn to Program)
What is this CNC Training course?
(CNC Training Courses Basic Turning) this covers the basics of CNC programming for a 2 axis CNC Lathe.
Haas, Fanuc or similar controls.
What Use Will it Be
CNC Training Courses Basic Turning (G Code Programming)
None at all. (Sorry just joking)
It is suitable for anyone wanting to learn the most common type of CNC programming sometimes known as ISO. Ideally you need to have a basic idea of how Lathes work and a basic understanding of cutting tools. If you don’t then we recommend you take this course Beginners Turning Basics for CNC Programming.
It is on hundreds of machines and it is the best language to learn if you want to become a CNC Programmer. It is perfect for CNC operators who wish to progress on to programming.
There are simpler languages and some like Mazatrol that are an absolute dream but, and there is a big but, this is a bit of an industry standard and it’s got a real foothold. I recommend that you learn them all, but start here.
Lets Have a Quick Lesson (and why not)
So this is what it looks like, if you are already operating a CNC machine it will look familiar and maybe a lot of it will make sense. Ok let’s have a quick lesson.
You see that bit where it says G97 S1500 M03?
The bit with the big square around it
Ok the G97 means use revs per minute.
Can you guess what S1500 means?
Well done. It means I need 1500 rpm
But wait for it I didn’t say start the spindle.
M03 means start the spindle clockwise.
And the next line M08 well that means turn on the coolant.
There you go we did it.
Oh and just one other thing while were on this rather shallow learning curve
What about the bit in brackets? Well that’s just a comment you can put anything you like here the machine ignores it. It’s just for us mere mortals so we know what’s going on.
The machine sees an open bracket and it says “I need to mind my own business here” and it does. Then it sees the close bracket “I need to get my ass in gear now” and it does.
Congratulations you will soon be enjoying this programming business as much as me.
Learn to Programme (CNC Training Courses Basic Turning) is designed to cover
Fanuc controls.
Haas Controls.
A lot of other controls such as Heidenhain, Mazak and Hurco have an ISO option enabling them to run this type of programme.
Many other controls use very similar systems and it will not take much to adapt your skills to programme these controls. It is the best foundation for CNC programming.
What Skills Will I Learn
- What is different from a manual Lathe to a CNC Lathe?
- The basic Cartesian coordinate system.
- You will learn the basics of CNC Lathe programming.
- What a programme is and how to start and end one.
- How the machine moves in rapid feed and circular motion to produce your component.
- You will learn about cycles that can simplify turned shapes and rough them out.
- How to turn profiles.
- How to produce screw threads with a few basic commands.
- Understand how datum’s work and are transferred from drawing to component.
- How G codes work and how to use them.
- How M codes work to switch on and off your coolant and spindle
and how to use them. - How to build and structure a CNC programme and make it clear and concise.
- Adding comments to your programmes to make them more understandable.
- You will learn how you can branch off into sub programmes and where these will be useful.
And much much more.
CNC Training Courses Basic Turning
Learn to Program CNC Lathe
Duration: 3 days
Date: See course dates
Times: Start 9.30am Finish 4.00pm
Location: Nottingham England UK
£750 for the three days
Apply Now
Or call David: 07834 858 407
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