Category Archives: Fanuc Parameters

Rads and Chamfers Fanuc Parameters 8134 3453

Category : Fanuc Parameters

Messing With Parameters Can Be Fatal!!!!!

To change parameters you need to go to the setting screen in MDI. Now put a 1 in the parameter write box.

Rads and Chamfers Fanuc Parameters. Today we are going to change the parameters that make ,R and ,C work this means you can program point to point and just stuff in some rads and chamfers as an afterthought.

Here’s an article on it if you want to use it

Fanuc have two ways of putting on chamfers and rads and that’s where the confusion lies.

Just do as you’re told (oh and read this article)

So in Parameter 3453 you can set bit #0 (CRD) to a 1 this allows what Fanuc call “Direct Drawing Inputs” to work.

Rads and Chamfers Fanuc Parameters

Also in Parameter 8134 set bit #2 (CCR) to a o

Rads and Chamfers Fanuc Parameters

Now don’t let the description put you off this turns on the crappy one that uses R and R- and K and K-. This only works on 90 degree corners and unless you won Mastermind I wouldn’t even try to understand how it works.


Trust me it’s shit

Anyway Rads and Chamfers Fanuc Parameters 8134 3453 all sorted!

Isn’t it just great to sort out those annoying problems?

If you want to learn about rads and chamfers on a Sinumeric Siemens 840D read this

Other Parameters Of Interest

1300 Stops over travel alarm

1401 Cutting Feed-Rate 0% stops movement of machine

3101 Clear Screen

3102 Unlock Programs

3203 Clear MDI Screen

3204 Unlock Program 9000 to 9999 and 8000 to 8999 to Edit

3291 Wear Offset requires Key to Adjust

3401 Calculator Type Decimal Point or Integer

3402 G Codes that are Active When The machine is Turned On

5003 Retain Geometry when you Press Reset

6005 Allows the Use of Local Subroutines (Newer Control)

6050-6059  Allows you to Call a 9000 series Program with a G Code

6080-6089 Allows you to Call a 9000 series Program with An M Code

8134 3453 allows you to use ,R and ,C (Rads and Chamfers)

That’s it away you go.

Oh just one other thing before you go off and cripple your machine forever.

Do yourself a favour take a picture of the screen before you change a parameter.

If you aint got a camera then you must have a piece of paper.

Even better back everything up.


If you have been affected by any of the issues in this post or need CNC Counselling then contact me.

Or call us

If you want to learn to program CNC Milling Machines

Look no further Contact CNC Training Centre

Power Up Fanuc Parameter 3402

Messing With Parameters Can Be Fatal!!!!!

Power Up Fanuc Parameter 3402. To change parameters you need to go to the setting screen in MDI. Now put a 1 in the parameter write box.

Today we are going to change the parameter that sets all the modal G codes when you first turn on your machine. This is often known as the wake up state.

Power Up Fanuc Parameter How it works?

When you switch on your machine certain G codes will be active. But what G codes are active?

Well….  they are whatever you set in this parameter.

Imagine you just typed in X50. Y50. in MDI and pressed cycle start. Would it rapid, feed or try and go around in an arc?

In parameter 3402 the different bits set the G codes that are active when you first turn on your machine.

#0 G01 (Set to zero you wake up in G00 set to 1 you wake up in G01)

#1 G18 (Set to zero you wake up in G17 set to 1 you wake up in G18)

Power Up Fanuc Parameter

Isn’t it just great to sort out those annoying problems?

Things like the machine waking up in incremental can be a potential disaster.

Other Parameters Of Interest

1300 Stops over travel alarm

1401 Cutting Feed-Rate 0% stops movement of machine

3101 Clear Screen

3102 Unlock Programs

3203 Clear MDI Screen

3204 Unlock Program 9000 to 9999 and 8000 to 8999 to Edit

3291 Wear Offset requires Key to Adjust

3401 Calculator Type Decimal Point or Integer

3402 G Codes that are Active When The machine is Turned On

5003 Retain Geometry when you Press Reset

6005 Allows the Use of Local Subroutines (Newer Control)

6050-6059  Allows you to Call a 9000 series Program with a G Code

6080-6089 Allows you to Call a 9000 series Program with An M Code

8134 3453 allows you to use ,R and ,C (Rads and Chamfers)

Oh just one other thing before you go off and cripple your machine forever.

Do yourself a favour take a picture of the screen before you change a parameter. If you ain’t got a camera then you must have a piece of paper.

Even better back everything up on a regular basis.


If you have been affected by any of the issues in this post or need CNC Counselling then contact me.

Or call us

If you want to learn to program CNC Milling Machines

Look no further Contact CNC Training Centre

Unlock Programs Fanuc Parameter 3202

Messing With Parameters Can Be Fatal!!!!!

Unlock Programs Fanuc Parameter, first of all you’ll need to go to the setting screen and change the parameter write box to a 1.

Programs 9000 to 9999 are used for things like probing, tool-change and all sorts of other important things.

So beware back em up ASAP.

These programs along with 8000 to 8999 can be locked so no one can mess with them.

3202 if NE9 is 1 then programs 9000 to 9999 can’t be deleted or edited.

3202 if NE8 is 1 then programs 8000 to 8999 can’t be deleted or edited.

 Unlock Programs Fanuc ParameterOnce you’ve finished don’t forget to lock the 9000 programs back up and turn off that parameter write switch.

Unlock Programs Fanuc Parameter 3201

So you might want to use this yourself if you have a sub program in your machine that you use quite often and you don’t want anyone messing with it.

Don’t forget when this parameter is set to stop you editing the programs  you can’t read them in and out either. That means you can’t back them up until you unlock them.

Parameters You may Need to Change


1300 Stops over travel alarm

1401 Cutting Feed-Rate 0% stops movement of machine

3101 Clear Screen

3203 Clear MDI Screen

3204 Unlock Program 9000 to 9999 and 8000 to 8999 to Edit

3291 Wear Offset requires Key to Adjust

3401 Calculator Type Decimal Point or Integer

3402 G Codes that are Active When The machine is Turned On

5003 Retain Geometry when you Press Reset

6005 Allows the Use of Local Subroutines (Newer Control)

6050-6059  Allows you to Call a 9000 series Program with a G Code

6080-6089 Allows you to Call a 9000 series Program with An M Code

8134 3453 allows you to use ,R and ,C (Rads and Chamfers)

That’s it away you go.

Oh just one other thing before you go off and cripple your machine forever.

Do yourself a favor take a picture of the screen before you change a parameter. If you aint got a camera then you must have a piece of paper.

Even better back everything up.


If you have been affected by any of the issues in this post or need CNC Counselling then contact me.

If you want to learn to program CNC Milling Machines

Look no further Contact CNC Training Centre

Decimal Point Fanuc Parameter 3401

Messing With Parameters Can Be Fatal!!!!!

Decimal Point Fanuc Parameter, to change this parameters you need to go to the setting screen in MDI. Now put a 1 in the parameter write box.

Today we are going to change the parameter that allows us to program with or without a decimal point.

Decimal Point Fanuc Parameter

If you set parameter 3401 BIT 0 (DPI) to a 1 then you can input numbers like a calculator.

X5000 will be taken as 5000mm

If you set parameter 3401 BIT 0 (DPI) to a 0 then your numbers will be taken as microns..

X5000 will be taken as X5  (in other words 5000 microns you would need to program X5000. to get 5000mm

X5000000 would also work

Decimal Point Fanuc Parameter

This should make it work. If it doesn’t then maybe you should call the Samaritans.

Decimal Point Fanuc Parameter Why?

It doesn’t really matter how you set this it’s entirely up to you. What I would recommend is that you make all your CNC machines behave in the same way.

Teach everyone to always input a decimal point and then if it’s needed then you got it.

Parameters You may Want to Change

1300 Stops over travel alarm

1401 Cutting Feed-Rate 0% stops movement of machine

3101 Clear Screen

3102 Unlock Programs

3203 Clear MDI Screen

3204 Unlock Program 9000 to 9999 and 8000 to 8999 to Edit

3291 Wear Offset requires Key to Adjust

3401 Calculator Type Decimal Point or Integer

3402 G Codes that are Active When The machine is Turned On

5003 Retain Geometry when you Press Reset

6005 Allows the Use of Local Subroutines (Newer Control)

6050-6059  Allows you to Call a 9000 series Program with a G Code

6080-6089 Allows you to Call a 9000 series Program with An M Code

8134 3453 allows you to use ,R and ,C (Rads and Chamfers)

That’s it away you go.

This guy has more CNC Manuals than you can shake a stick at.

Oh just one other thing before you go off and cripple your machine forever.

Do yourself a favor take a picture of the screen before you change a parameter. If you aint got a camera then you must have a piece of paper.

Even better back everything up.


If you have been affected by any of the issues in this post or need CNC Counselling then contact me.

If you want to learn to program CNC Milling Machines

Look no further Contact CNC Training Centre

Fanuc Parameters 3101 Clear Buffer

Category : Fanuc Parameters

Fanuc Parameters 3101 Clear Buffer

Fanuc Parameters, does it really annoy you when you swap screens on your Fanuc control and you loose whatever you just typed in?

Well it’s OK, no more sleepless nights. It doesn’t have to be that way thanks to Parameter 3101

Messing With Fanuc Parameters Can Be Fatal!!!!!

To change a Fanuc Parameter you need to go to the setting screen in MDI. Now put a 1 in the parameter write box.


Now We Can Get This Party Started

This is how Parameter 3101 looks in the Fanuc Manual

Fanuc Parameters

It’s Fanuc Parameters 3101 bit 1

When this is a zero. If you change screens your code is lost.

Fanuc Parameter

Now here’s one I prepared before the show

Vegan Homemade Portabello Mushroom Black Bean Burger with Fries

This is how it works when you change the Fanuc Parameters 3101 to 1

Fanuc Parameter

The Dreaded Options Fanuc Parameters

I once bought a new car and naively thought it would be just like the one I saw advertised on the telly.

On some cars everything is a fuckin option. Well unfortunately it can be a bit like that with CNC controls.

It’s not all doom and gloom, a lot of the things you can’t get the control to do are just settings and parameters.

Keep reading my articles and you’ll find out what they are.

All this boring shit really does have a point to it.

If you have a lot of similar controls in your company it’s a good idea to try n set them all up the same way.

Don’t get me started on Haas.

OK You Started It

In my opinion by far the greatest thing about a Haas control is the program restart.

Guess what: most people have it turned off. I would liken it to switching off your central heating in the winter and making a fire with some sticks in the middle of the room.

You can restart anywhere in the program and the machine magically gets its digital shit together.

It gets the right tool, sorts out all the M codes, just about everything. Try it today it’s amazing.

Setting 36 Turns it On

Other Parameters Of Interest


1300 Stops over travel alarm

1401 Cutting Feed-Rate 0% stops movement of machine

3101 Clear Screen

3102 Unlock Programs

3203 Clear MDI Screen

3204 Unlock Program 9000 to 9999 and 8000 to 8999 to Edit

3291 Wear Offset requires Key to Adjust

3401 Calculator Type Decimal Point or Integer

3402 G Codes that are Active When The machine is Turned On

5003 Retain Geometry when you Press Reset

6005 Allows the Use of Local Subroutines (Newer Control)

6050-6059  Allows you to Call a 9000 series Program with a G Code

6080-6089 Allows you to Call a 9000 series Program with An M Code

8134 3453 allows you to use ,R and ,C (Rads and Chamfers)

That’s it away you go.

Oh just one other thing before you go off and cripple your machine forever.

Do yourself a favour take a picture of the screen before you change a parameter.

If you aint got a camera then you must have a piece of paper.

Even better back everything up.


If you have been affected by any of the issues in this post or need CNC Counselling then contact me.

Or call us

If you want to learn to program CNC Milling Machines

Look no further Contact CNC Training Centre

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