Taking a Screen Shot Fanuc Control
Category : Fanuc Useful Stuff
To take a Screen Shot Fanuc, you will need to have either a data card installed or a USB
In MDI I/O channel needs to be set (4) data card or (17) memory stick
Stick the Card in (or the stick)
Press and hold the shift key for about 10 seconds. You will see the clock stop. That’s how you know it worked. Time will stand still at this point and all the people around you will appear static.
Try not to panic, the world didn’t end. Your control just needs to ponder a while and think about what you just did.
Stop The Clock
Once it’s done your clock wil start again (phew).
Then press CARD
Screen will show what is on the data card
The BMP files are your screen shots. You can then view them on your laptop or PC.
Now I know you are saying “what is the fuckin is the use of that”
Well It’s just so that I can show off my knowledge.
If this does not work then you may need to alter parameter 3301 bit zero and bit 7 need to be 1
Should look like this to make it work.
Screen Shot Fanuc
A good use is when you are changing parameters. There’s nothing worse than changing a parameter and trashing a £100,000 machine. Help is at hand, luckily you did a screen shot before you changed the parameter and you can view it and change it back.
With this parameter it wont work because you need to switch it on!!!
Good luck with the massive dent in the guarding and the bent tool. No screen shot will fix that.
Screen capture Fanuc, thanks for reading.
1 Comment
February 25, 2024 at 7:44 amHai Sir ,
I want ask one question our CNC machine milling we want connect embed but one machine screen showing only USB but other machine showing EMB where I change PARAMETER please give me a advise