BMC 800 from Toshiba
Toshiba Tosnuc CNC Training
This has got to be one of my favourite controls. Call me a geek but I get really excited about this kind of stuff. Below is the 888 control. (The 666 is a bit of a devil to programme)
Considering how old these controls are they are packed with great functions.
The editing is a dream. It has a clipboard, well it has loads of clipboards, so you can keep bits of code you use often on different clipboards. When you need em you can quickly call them out and insert into your programme.
This control is really well thought out you can do things like adding spaces to all your code at the push of a button and likewise take them out again.
The other thing is it has these funny dice icons. You can assign keystrokes to each dice so anything you do on a regular basis can be stored and used at one press of a button.
Cool what!!!
The playing card icons are assigned to screen window arrangements. Again at the press of a button you can have your programme prove out page laid out just how you like it. You can really customise this control and make it your own.
MDI (Manual Data Input)
So for example something you regularly use in MDI like move to zero return you could let it record as you clear the MDI screen and input the code. Once recorded this will be one press of a button (or a roll of the dice)
Anyone for poker?
I could bang on for ages about this control.
Why not I think I will?
It’s got corner rounding and chamfering.
G1 X50. : R20.
Y-50. : R10.
This code could be putting corners on a square. You just programme point to point.
Let’s make em chamfers.
G1 X50. : C20.
Y-50. : C10.
It’s even got a built in floppy disc. I think at this time on a Fanuc control you needed a degree in computer science and a skilled electrician to connect up and get data out of a machine.For our younger viewers a floppy disc was like a squashed memory stick.
Oh and no zero return shit! Yes you just turn it on.
How easy is that.
A word or two about programming yes it is ISO programming that is G codes n stuff. G code programming is definitely not easy to learn. Unfortunately we’re kind of stuck with it because it is what everybody knows.
Why not come on one of our courses at the CNC Training Centre.
Anyway on this control there are lots of extra cycles like G12 which is full circle milling also found on Haas controls. This cycle can rough and finish a circular pocket. You could just use it to mill a full circle, it uses a tangential approach so there are no entry and exit marks.
This circular pocket also uses cutter compensation. So you don’t have to worry your sweet little head about G41 and G42 it’s all included. It’s like one of those holidays in Spain where you can get drunk all day and eat as many burgers as you want, all inclusive.
In case you don’t know what tangential infeed it. It’s a sexually transmitted disease.
Actually it just means you approach the circle in a circular motion. Great thing is you don’t get a line where the cutter first approaches the part.
There are face milling cycles and drill pattern cycles and loads more.
It can even make a cappuccino.
This is a high end top quality machine so it comes all singing all dancing.
You get Toshiba Tosnuc Macro programming which allows you to do all kinds of clever shit. You can alias it to G codes and M codes to create your own cycles.
Talk to Leader CNC if you want to buy one (oh you will need to be rich). This is a real quality machine but second hand prices are very reasonable. Bit big for the garage might be better off persuading the wife to live in the machine.
Talk to us if you want Toshiba Tosnuc CNC Training
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