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Fanuc Training, Fanuc controls have been around now I would guess since the 1970’s. The basic programming language has changed very little in that time. They have become more and more popular over the years as they gained a foothold in the market.
Thanks for the picture (Clint Washburn)
The One Liners Are The Funniest
The old control was a one line display like a calculator. That’s all you could see.
I once spent hours trying to make a program work only to find, when I printed it out, that it was one great big line of code.
Like an absolute prick I had no end of blocks (EOB).

That’s how the program looked, just one massive block of code.
By the way in those days you really did need an N number on every block otherwise you would be up shit creak without a paddle.
Datums and Work Offsets
The way datums are used in programs historically was a bit of a nightmare in those early days. G50 and G92 were used to set the current position as the datum.
Most CNC Turners would now recognise G50 or G92 as a speed clamp, but beware never put X and Z figures on this line.
Cos it still works and you will get some very interesting moves after this one. Probably resulting in a collision.
G50 Speed Clamp
Here is an interesting article on the G50.
Options and Settings
Because Fanuc Controls are on so many different machines they come in all shapes and sizes. No two controls are set up in the same way.
Oh yea and don’t get me started on the options and parameter. There are thousands.

USB Fanuc I/O CHANNEL Settings
Can’t get your USB port to work on a Fanuc control?
Just as a matter of interest if you are trying to get your USB port to work you need to set I/O CHANNEL above to 17
Decimal Points
Read the article above to learn the safest approach to decimal points.
You can set up your machine to use them or not. This means 10 could mean 10mm or 10 could mean 10 microns!!!
Big difference what.
Options (Fanuc cnc programming training)
I often used to start training someone and suddenly realise that some great cycle or feature I was banging on about wasn’t actually on their machine.
Imagine the disappointment, some of these guys are still in rehab.
Some of these options really should be standard but the control is often on a budget machine so I suppose they have to draw the line somewhere.
So it’s a really good idea to check out just what your control really can do.
Things like work offsets and rigid tapping are all options so be careful.
These controls were nice and simple to use in the early days and some lathes came with automated programming systems like FAPT.

It was really good in it’s time. If you can be bothered to learn it you can still save loads of time creating turning programs with simple graphics and program checking.
There are still loads of these old controls around.
I wish I still had my big old yellow Fanuc computer. The power supply weighed a ton.
I remember it taking two of us to move it.
gggggggvvvffvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv (Sorry the cat just stood on my keyboard)
The software was on two cassettes and you had to stop halfway and reload. I recon it would look great in a museum.
Fanuc-Training (Macro Programming)
Macro is an option on a Fanuc Control. Very useful it is indeed. But don’t forget it’s an option. You might not have it so check.
It’s a bit like all those little round plastic discs on your car dashboard. This is where the switches would be for all the options you couldn’t afford like Air Conditioning and stuff.
At the CNC Training Centre we do classroom training courses on Fanuc Macro Programming or if you are felling lazy we can come to you.
From the oldest to the latest, that even includes a USB port I’m sure we can help you.
Fanuc Training

Thanks For Reading
Don’t forget there’s loads more folks.
Call David: 07834 858 407
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Classroom programmer training.
CNC Training on all controls and machines.