Category Archives: Haas Settings

G91 Non modal Haas Setting 29

Now I don’t want to appear sexist here but sometimes my wife will be awake at night worrying about whether or not she left a gas ring turned on.

Now me I worry about different things I mean how can you compare a gas explosion to a collision on a CNC Machine.

(I really should clean that cooker)

Anyway my point is if you worry about G91 and if you left one active in a program and it causes a collision.

Help is at hand. Now this maybe another piece of useless shit and you might wish you had stayed on Facebook, reading your mates post, ruminating on the benefits of vegan cheese and how you can’t tell the difference. (I have tried and it’s really nice once you get the thought of eating semtex out of your brain).

Don’t set me off about vegans. Just answer one question, if they don’t like meat why do they have to keep banging on “I’ve just eaten this burger and you would think it was real beef”

Anyway if you change setting 29

G91 becomes non modal read this article if you need to know more

Anyway what it means is that if you wrote some code like this

G90 G0 X0 Y0
G81 G98 Z-20. R1. F100.
G91 X50
G90 X100.

You would have to write it like this

G90 G0 X0 Y0
G81 G98 Z-20. R1. F100.
G91 X50
G91 X10.
G91 X20.
G91 X30.
X100. (This would go back to G90 automatically)

“That’s daft” I hear you say.

Well not really because it means that if you ever forget to switch back to absolute (G90) it doesn’t matter because it never got swapped in the first place.

Every time you want G91 you need to write it in that block of code.

 Best Website with Crack Program:

Haas Decimal Point Default to Float Setting 162

Category : Haas Settings

Haas decimal point setting, this  is really important on a CNC Machine.

When set to on when you type in X20 it adds the decimal point for you.

Haas decimal point

If this is off when you enter X-2 then you would get X-.002

If you had the setting on then you would get X-2.

The following letters would be affected.

X, Y, Z, A, B, C, E, I, J, K, U, W

It doesn’t really matter how you set this but It’s really important. You might think it’s much easier to have it on so you can just type in X2 and you get X2.

Now this is a really bad habit to get into. The reason is that if you ever work on another machine where it needs the decimal point.

So you type in X2. and you get X.002

Now you are going to be in very deep shit. If this is a CNC lathe then you will probably have a collision and you might shit yourself too which can be unpleasant.

Haas Decimal Point

This is a setting on all Haas and Fanuc machines and you can never be sure how the machine is set up.

This is how you set it on a Fanuc control.

Decimal Point Fanuc Parameter 3401

Here is another article I wrote on this subject.

CNC Programming Safely Using Decimal Point

Here is the official line from Haas

Thanks for watching and reading

If you have been affected by any of the issues in this post or need CNC Counselling then contact me.

We really love you but honestly we don’t really care if you break your machine. However if you do, make sure you youtube it. Then you could make a shit load of money from the video.

Oh yea we do CNC Training too, not to mention Classroom Training.

Siemens Sinumerik 840D 828D training

Or call us on : 0333 939 8388

If you want to learn to program CNC Milling Machines

Look no further Contact CNC Training Centre


Haas Jog Spindle Speed Setting 98

Category : Haas Settings

Haas Jog Spindle Speed

This article tells you how to control your Haas Jog Spindle SpeedHaas Jog Spindle Speed

Are You Jogging Too Fast

OK so this is not some fitness weight loss type blog

“Lose 3 stone in one day”

We all know that’s not possible unless you’re at the zoo and a lion bites both your fuckin legs off.

The CNC Training Centre Diet

Haas Jog Spindle Speed


Anyway I am one of these blokes that loves tinkering with things. I’ve never actually killed myself (otherwise I would be posthumously writing this article) but I have come pretty close on numerous occasions.

The other day I realized you could control the jog speed of a Haas Machine by setting parameter 98

I was so excited I just had to play with it (no sexual innuendo intended).

Normally I don’t bother using SPINDLE JOG because it spins the part too fast.

Here’s how you change setting 98.

Press this button………

limit wear offset

Sorry it’s a dirty grubby button but it’s the only one I have (welcome to the real world)

Anyway I’ve no doubt yours is probably dirtier than mine.

Haas Jog Spindle Speed

Type into setting 98 the speed you want when you press the SPINDLE JOG button

Set it to 10rpm, it’s nice and gentle if you want to rotate your part and see what’s going on.


All you need do now is enjoy it.

First press MDI then press SPINDLE JOG

Haas Jog Spindle Speed


You can do it with the door open too so be careful.

Thanks for watching and reading

If you have been affected by any of the issues in this post or need CNC Counselling then contact me.

We really love you but honestly we don’t really care if you break your machine. However if you do, make sure you youtube it. Then you could make a shit load of money from the video.

Oh yea we do CNC Training too, not to mention Classroom Training.

Siemens Sinumerik 840D 828D training

Or call us 

If you want to learn to program CNC Milling Machines

Look no further Contact CNC Training Centre


How to Limit Wear Offset Input on Haas Machines

Category : Haas Settings

Haas Limit Wear Offset Input

This article tells you how to limit wear offset input on your Haas Machine.

limit wear offset

Collisions should be avoided at all costs on a CNC machine, so anything you can do to prevent them has got to be a good thing.

There are many things you can do, like paying careful attention to the way you prove out your program.

When run a programme that has already been proven, you know the actual CNC code is fine.

limit wear offset

So you have two things to worry about.

  1. Is the WORK SHIFT or WORK OFFSET correct?
  2. Are the TOOL OFFSETS correct?

These are the two things that you control and they link the programme to the machine.

It would make sense therefore to check each tool change. Check the point where it first approaches the workpiece.

Once a programme is running we only need to go into our prove out mentality when we change the programme or the tool wear offset.

When we adjust the tool offset we can either adjust the Geometry or the Wear. Now it’s always best not to touch the Geometry. That’s because it’s a big number and big numbers can hurt you.

Lets say this number was 200.986 and you wanted to move it by 0.116

Not too difficult but it would be quite easy to alter it by  a large amount and not even notice.

Then you could be in trouble.

Now if you always use the WEAR you know it’s always going to be a small amount. So if you see a large amount in the wear column you can go into a mad panic.

What’s The Point of All This Where’s He Going?

So if you always use the WEAR and not the GEOMETRY you’ll be ok. Unless of course you were stupid enough to put a big number in the WEAR


Against my advice you alter the GEOMETRY.

Help Is At Hand (limit wear offset)

On a Haas Machine you can limit wear offset amount in a your settings.

It still lets you do it but gives you a sarcastic little warning.

Press this button

limit wear offset

Sorry it’s a dirty grubby button but it’s the only one I have (welcome to the real world)

limit wear offset

Type into setting 142 the maximum amount you want to limit wear offset input by.

Now if you try n exceed the dose, this is what you get.

limit wear offset


This limits the amount you can add to your offset not the total amount of the offset.

Thanks for watching and reading

If you have been affected by any of the issues in this post or need CNC Counselling then contact me.

We really love you but honestly we don’t give a shit if you break your machine. If you do, make sure you YouTube it. You could make a shit loads of money from the video.

Oh yea we do CNC Training too, not to mention Classroom Training.

Or call us

If you want to learn to program CNC Milling Machines

Look no further Contact CNC Training Centre


Programme Restart Haas

Programme Restart Haas

Best feature by far on a Haas Machine is it’s programme restart. Guess what, loads of people don’t use it. In fact they don’t even have it switched on.

Restart Haas

First thing to do is switch it on on the setting screen.

If you are used to using a Fanuc control then you probably restart on a tool-change line.

Restart Haas

So you would search for N19 and start at that line.

Haas Restart, Total Confusion

What I find confuses people when they first try this on a Haas machine is that it picks up the previous tool. This is purely because it thinks the tool change is what you want to do. So it gets ready.


All you need to do is start on the next line.

Yep it’s that easy.

The control sorts out everything.

You name it

It will even feed the dog, change your underwear and load the dishwasher.

Sorry I’m joking how could it feed the dog when you don’t have one.

Press cycle start and away you go. If  your Z axis is above the part it will come down slowly just in case something is in the way.

It really is that easy.

Oh n by the way it works just as well on a Haas CNC Lathe

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