Haas Decimal Point Default to Float Setting 162

Haas Decimal Point Default to Float Setting 162

Category : Haas Settings

Haas decimal point setting, this  is really important on a CNC Machine.

When set to on when you type in X20 it adds the decimal point for you.

Haas decimal point

If this is off when you enter X-2 then you would get X-.002

If you had the setting on then you would get X-2.

The following letters would be affected.

X, Y, Z, A, B, C, E, I, J, K, U, W

It doesn’t really matter how you set this but It’s really important. You might think it’s much easier to have it on so you can just type in X2 and you get X2.

Now this is a really bad habit to get into. The reason is that if you ever work on another machine where it needs the decimal point.

So you type in X2. and you get X.002

Now you are going to be in very deep shit. If this is a CNC lathe then you will probably have a collision and you might shit yourself too which can be unpleasant.

Haas Decimal Point

This is a setting on all Haas and Fanuc machines and you can never be sure how the machine is set up.

This is how you set it on a Fanuc control.

Decimal Point Fanuc Parameter 3401

Here is another article I wrote on this subject.

CNC Programming Safely Using Decimal Point

Here is the official line from Haas

Thanks for watching and reading

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