CNC Programming Using CAD/CAM
CNC Programming, When will it not be needed?
Are we fast approaching the day when we don’t need to know anything about CNC Programming in terms of G code etc.

Short answer is yes.
I was watching an interesting video on youtube the other day. This guy (seemed like a very clever guy) had bought an old CNC Lathe, a Mori Seiki.
I don’t think he had ever done any machining or general metal work type stuff.
His approach was untainted shall we say. He’d certainly never done any G code type CNC Programming.
He immediately looked for software which would program this machine and said how in the past it would have been programmed with G code by hand.
Anyway he got something like One CNC or Fusion 360 and created a program. He went on to produce quite a few parts.
Really this proves that you don’t need to know G Code programming, or does it?
Because I am an old dinosaur and I make a living partly from teaching people G code type CNC Programming, I wonder if people like me are clinging on to these old skills and not moving forward.
It reminds of the times when CNC’s were first introduced all the old guys used to say they would never replace the capstans and autos. I remember my dad beating my first chess computer and saying it was just a gimmick.
So what problems do you get when programming straight from software. Actually if you know what you are doing the answer is none. But do you know what you are doing?
The danger is when the person using the CAM system doesn’t really understand about work-holding and tooling.
I bet the aforementioned guy had some serious problems with his selection of cutting tools.
Don’t Drink and Drive a Baby-Walker
There is a reason why you have to be over 18 to drink, if you have ever seen any pissed up toddlers then you will know why. There is a reason why you wouldn’t ask your four year old to share a bottle of brandy (apart from the fact that he wouldn’t have the money to pay for his half).
This is just my opinion and it will definitely piss off my younger readers but you really need to have at least ten years machining experience to start programming off line.

Ten years is just a figure I made up. But the idea is you have lots and lots of varied experience.
I get to train some really clever people on CNC machines. I always warn them of the danger of being fast tracked into some office programming job. It’s very tempting for employers.
Rising to a level of incompetence is what it is known as. Wanking before you can run. Sorry I meant walking. It was a typo but my childish humour made me leave it in.
My advise it to work on as many types of machines and controls as you possibly can learning everything about everyone of them.
Oh yea and one other thing
Oh yea one more tip for office programmers, get off your fat arse and spend some time on the shop floor. That’s where the action is. Oh yea and always be there when your program is proven.
Taken to it’s logical conclusion it can’t be too long before the software will advise on tooling, work holding and what to wear for you mates wedding anniversary at Nando’s. I fuckin love Nando’s if they would like to sponsor me. I’ll even stop swearing.