Heidenhain Programming Examples
Category : Heidenhain
Heidenhain Programming Examples
Heidenhain Programming Examples
- The control has been around for a long time and is fitted on many machines.
- It has improved with age as more and more useful features get added.
- This is a control that can be learned quickly and easily.
- It is a control that can be used on many levels and has some very sophisticated features.
The problem with learning something quickly and easily is that lots of good features are missed.
I often say to my customers “I get paid to read the manuals you can’t be arsed to read”
Obviously I wouldn’t say “arsed” to my customers. I’d say something more sophisticated like “the manuals you don’t give a flying fuck about”
I hate to see things underused we are The Wombles of CNC Programming. Check out this article.
You know, like when you find a piece of cheese behind the fridge. My mother taught me that so long as you cut all the mould off it’s fine to eat.
Most of the buttons will look familiar if you worked on older controls and you come to the newer models. Don’t be fooled by this there is loads of new stuff lurking under the bonnet.
It has a parametric programming function using Q defs.
“Bloody hell what are they” I hear you say.
It’s ok it’s just me trying to be posh again. It means that you can control a programme externally. The sizes, feeds and speeds, all sorts of stuff can be changed each time the programme runs.
(1) Here is an example of how to use the various arc commands on a Heidenhain control.
You can programme circular arc moves in four different ways on this control.
“Why would I want to do that sounds complicated”
Actually it ain’t. The idea is you programme the same as your drawing.
- The drawing gives me sharp corners. Use this button
- The drawing gives me the centre of the radius. Use these two button.
- My line is tangent to the circle. Use this.
- End point and radius? This buttons for you .
(2) Here is another Heidenhain Programming Examples. This is how to use cutter compensation on both Heidenhain and Fanuc.
(3) This example shows how to use sections in Heidenhain Programmes.
Contact me if you are interested in learning Heidenhain Programming
Don’t forget to watch my Tutorial Videos on YouTube
Heidenhain Training call David 07834 858 407
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