G80 G-code Fanuc

G80 G-code Fanuc

Category : Fanuc Fanuc Mill

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David :07834 858 407

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I noticed a common search in google is G80 G-code Fanuc.

CNC Machines use what we call canned cycles in a nutshell G80 cancels a canned cycle.

What is a canned Cycle?

To be honest I think it is a funny choice of words “Canned Cycle”.

My guess would be that all the information to drill a hole would be kept together in a “Tin Can” to use whenever you want.

I made this…….G80 G-code Fanuc

First of all we program the cycle this is a G81:

G81 G98 Z-10. R1.5 F200. X55. Y55. F250.

The machine will move to the position X55. Y55. then it will rapid to 1.5mm above the part (this is the R1.5). It will then feed down to Z-10. at a feed-rate of 250 mm per minute F250.

Finally it will use rapid to come out of the hole.

It then sits ready for the next move.


All you do now is just give more positions.

G81 G98 Z-10. R1.5 F150. X56. Y56. F200.
X95. Y65.

Every time it moves to a position it will do whatever you stated in the canned cycle (G81)

You don’t add anything else to these positions.

G80 G-code Fanuc

At the end use the G80 (G80 G-code Fanuc) . It means “No more holes please”

From that point onwards if you program a position the machine will just move to that position and do nothing.

If you want to learn about CNC Machining, programming setting operating.

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G80 G-code Fanuc There is More

There are lots of these canned cycle here are a few examples:

G84 tapped holes, tell it the pitch depth usual stuff.

G84 G98  Z-10. R1. F1.75 (Tap me hole 10mm deep at a 1.75mm pitch)


G73 we call this peck drilling, just like a drilling cycle (G81) but it will peck the hole into small cuts.

G73 G98 Z-25. R1. Q5000 F250 the Q5000 means it will make each peck 5mm

G83 same G73 but with each peck the drill comes right out of the hole. For deep holes where the swarf clogs.

G80 G-code Fanuc

Wondering what the G98 is for?

Check this out G98 G99

All it is in a nutshell. G98 returns to the Z point you were at before you started the canned cycle.

G99 will return to the R point (R1.)

G80 G-code Fanuc


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