Repeat Canned Cycle Using L and K

Repeat Canned Cycle Using L and K

Category : Fanuc Mill Haas Mill

CNC Training Centre 29 Five Star Reviews and Still Counting

Please read all the reviews of CNC Training Centre

The Ones We Don’t Put on The Website

  • Such infantile humour you’ll never get the time back wasted in reading this utter shite.
  • The author is a prick.
  • This guy knows nothing about CNC Machining
  • Never been so insulted!
  • Written like a High School Student who just learnt to swear
  • If I wanted to laugh at 60’s sexual innuendo I’d watch a “Carry On Film”
  • Don’t read this garbage
  • My steak was over-cooked and the chips were cold
  • Crashed my machine six times as a result of reading this shit, I need to stop
  • He told me to tell the boss (“go shove your job up your arse”) I am now unemployed, so far had no compensation from CNC Training Centre (They don’t answer my calls)
  • In one article he states “Tell the boss, that’s the one with the Porsche 911, fat arse and little cock” my boss does not have a Porsche
  • Use “G Code Tutor” I know most of the articles are incorrect but at least he never swears

Please note, these reviews were all fake so we took them down

Repeat Canned Cycle

Repeat Canned Cycle, here is a simple G81 canned cycle.

O001 (Drilling Programme)

T1 M6 ((10mm Drill)

G90 G0 G54 X50. Y50. S1500 M3
G43 Z3. H1 M8

G81 G98 Z-15. R1. F200.

G0 G53 Z0
G53 Y0

Repeat Canned Cycle

Now here is the same programme in incremental.

O001 (Drilling Programme)

T1 M6 ((10mm Drill)

G90 G0 G54 X50. Y50. S1500 M3
G43 Z3. H1 M8

G81 G98 Z-15. R1. F200.
G91 X10.
G80 G90

G0 G53 Z0
G53 Y0

Both programs do the same thing now lets shorten the last one.

Repeat Canned Cycle L5 or K5

O001 (Drilling Programme Repeat Canned Cycle)

T1 M6 ((10mm Drill)

G90 G0 G54 X50. Y50. S1500 M3
G43 Z3. H1 M8

G81 G98 Z-15. R1. F200.
G91 X10. L5
G80 G90

G0 G53 Z0
G53 Y0

(This would be K5 on a Fanuc control)

Now you have to admit that’s easy.

For all you “incremental deniers” come on now, this saves a lot of code.


if the distance between the holes was 10.236 imagine having to add them all up.  Lets face it you couldn’t even work out the total cost of six tins of beans at 86p a tin.

Everything is so fuckin expensive these days. Have you noticed the price of vintage champagne?

Anyway that’s another argument for another time.

Repeat with No Repeat !!!

This article is about iteration. Which is just bullshit for “how many time you do it”.

No I don’t mean how many time you do “it”, grow up.

Authors Note to Himself

Must ditch some of these readers, so childish and read sexual innuendo into everything I write.

Continue if You are 18 or Over

In other word the L5 or K5 means do it 5 times.

You can also use L0 or K0 which means do it zero times (don’t do it).

” Come on Dave don’t be a twat, why tell the machine not to do something”

Right, first of all don’t call me Dave I fuckin hate it, my names David. So shut up and carry on reading.

Reasons to Not Do Something

  • You broke the tap in a hole and you want to skip it.
  • You just want the machine to remember the canned cycle but you don’t want to do the cycle yet.
  • Getting round corners without collision. Read this.
  • You can’t be arsed to get off the chair to pick up the TV remote (when your lazy boyfriend put it on the floor)
  • You want to use a sub programme

See Below

O001 (Drilling Programme)

T1 M6 ((Spot Drill)

G90 G0 G54 X50. Y50. S1500 M3
G43 Z3. H1 M8

G81 G98 Z-5. R1. F200. L0 (Remember Cycle But Don’t Drill Yet)
M97 P500 (Go to drilling sub programme)
G0 G53 Z0

T2 M6 ((10mm Drill)

G90 G0 G54 X50. Y50. S1500 M3
G43 Z3. H2 M8

G81 G98 Z-15. R1. F200. L0
M97 P500 (Go to drilling sub programme)
G0 G53 Z0
G53 Y0

N500 (Drilling Sub Programme)
X50. Y50.

What this means is you set the canned cycle up so the control will know what you want to do. Because of the the L0 or K0 it does not actually drill a hole.

When it goes into the sub programme it’s business as usual and it drills all your holes.

All your positions are self contained in the sub programme.

Now it’s time for one of my famous, very boring stories.

Repeat Canned Cycle

Go here, this guys videos are way more interesting than this shit.

The Boring Story

Years ago when I worked at SP Engineering in Barwell. We used to make parts for knitting machines.

We made this part which was a massive plate covered in all different sized holes. Drilled tapped bored you name it. It was like that cheese that has all the holes in it. Well, not really but I paid for this picture and I want to use it.

We used to get a spot drill and just dotted the plate all over. We then put the part into inspection where they used a CMM (coordinate measuring machine) to measure all the positions of the dots.



The probe just drops neatly into the spot drilling dots.

Repeat Canned Cycle

Also because each set of holes was in a sub programme they could be reused once the positions were OK.

Oh and by the way contact CNC Training Centre for training on your CMM with PCDMIS


It is a useful method because once the sub programme is used you know all the positions are correct for any subsequent tools. It makes prove out much easier.

Putting any positions in the main programme would ruin the plot because you would have to check the first hole position for every tool.

Using L0 or K0 to Get Round Corners

This is a novel way to use L0 to get round the corner of a part. Not my idea I nicked it off the genius guys at Haas tip of the day.

My advise is don’t read this shit. Go to Haas Tip of the Day it’s way better. The guys are so polite and never swear.

Here Is a Nice Video In Case You Can’t Read

L0 for a Haas control K0 for a Fanuc control Repeat Canned Cycle.

Repeat Canned Cycle



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