Fanuc Useful Variables

Fanuc Useful Variables

Category : Macro News

Call David: 07834 858 407  (On or off-site Training)

If you use macro programming quite a lot these Fanuc Useful Variables will definitely speed things up for you.

#0 Null Mmmm

#0 this is null, use this to make something have no value, that’s not zero by the way.

You can use this to see if your macro user has not entered a value for some letter you have used.

This means you can then apply a default value if there is none stated.

#1 to #33 are classed as local variables. These values are not retained depending on settings.

Fanuc Useful Variables

These variables will be assigned to corresponding letters in your macro call line.

For example using letter A will represent #1 in the body of your macro.

We have loads more articles on macro if you are interested.

System Variables

These are amazing you can interrogate the sytem, ask it questions like.

What tool is in the spindle?

What time is it?

What speed are you running at?

Almost anything, well you know not anything as in, will I go bald or what horse should I bet in the Grand National?

Fanuc Useful Variables Work Offsets

Fanuc Useful Variables

Or these

Fanuc Useful Variables

Setting a Macro As an Alias Using M Code

Fanuc Useful Variables

Fanuc Useful Variables

Setting a Macro As an Alias Using G Code

Fanuc Useful Variables

Fanuc Useful System Variables Modal Information

Fanuc Useful Variables

Don’t Be alarmed

#3000 is a system variable it puts the machine into an alarm state. You can assign a value of 0-200 and a message in brackets such as.



Single block

#3003=1 will disable single block

#3003=0 will enable single block.

Thanks for reading my article, if you need to look for more information there’s loads more on this website or go here for Fanuc manuals.

It’s a bit spammy but you can get the manuals you need.





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Call David: 07834 858 407