Haas Setting Page 103 and Other Settings
Category : Haas
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Haas Setting 103
Haas Setting 103, I think this is so cool and is typical Haas. Try changing setting 103, this makes the green CYCLE START only work when it is held in, a really good way to prove out a programmes. Can’t wait to try this.
The settings page on the Haas control is very exciting, as well as Haas Setting 103, you will find a myriad of exciting things that will change the behaviour of your Haas control. Read the manual very carefully before embarking on this journey.
This is where you can turn on your programme restart which is probably the single most innovative thing on this control, it always amazes and annoys me in equal measure when I see people not using it.
Setting 15 is a great one to use too.
This checks that when you programme your tool length compensation G43 Z3. H01, that this tool length offset agrees with the previous tool call-out (M06 T01).
So if for example you programmed M06 T02 it would throw up an alarm telling you that the H and the T code did not agree.
I am sure you must have changed a tool position and forgot to change the tool length offset number (the H number). Easy done.
It’s what makes us get of bed I often lay awake at night thinking about what you can do with these setting. Mmmm…..
The settings are designed to be changed by the user, so don’t worry too much about changing them.
It’s a good idea to make a note of these settings before and after. Maybe take a picture if you can’t be arsed to learn how to do a screen shot
Or yes you guessed it SHIFT F1 take a look at how to do it for a screen shot on your memory stick.
It’s only when you start getting into changing parameters that you really have to think “am I ready for this Leap Of Faith”
But nevertheless there again there is some real interesting stuff here, another article maybe? Anyway have fun with this and come back and tell us how you got on.
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