How to Become a CNC Operator
Category : Beginners
On or Offsite CNC Training
Tel: David 07834 858 407
A rabbit can’t be a CNC Operator.
Every career has to start somewhere. In the world of CNC Machining it’s sometimes difficult to know where to start as a cnc machine operator.
So Where Do You Start?
“Where shall I begin, please your Majesty?” asked the White Rabbit.
“Begin at the beginning,” the King said gravely, “and go on till you come to the end: then stop.”
The perfect route would be just like me in the old days.
When I started at Rolls Royce in 1970. I phoned up Mr Rolls, or was it Mr Royce, and said “can you give me an apprenticeship?”
Fortunately he didn’t pick up on the fact that I was a lazy piece of shit and he gave me a job.
At the end of it all I got to earn £60 a week and had the “Freedom of The City”
When I asked what “Freedom of the City” actually meant, I was told that one of the perks was that I could drive my sheep across the common, in Coventry, whenever I wanted.
I was so pleased to be informed of this and couldn’t wait to get home to tell my mum and my dad.
Once the harsh reality hit and I realised I had no sheep, in fact no livestock at all.
I had a Guinea pig and was still mourning the death of my hamsters, Steven.
What the fuck is it with hamsters has anyone ever had one that lived more than eighteen months?
Is it gods way of helping children to come to terms with death?
I spent half my childhood years at hamster funerals, one friend or another would lose a beloved hamster almost weekly.
I wish I’d set up a business selling them I’d have made a fortune instead of spending my time writing all this crap.
They should have a fuckin expiry date tattooed on their ears or something so at least you could prepare yourself for their inevitable demise.
I blame my mother who wouldn’t let me have a Gerbil because they had long tails and she said that frightened her.
I mean she could have had the fuckin tail surgically removed cheaper than the cost of buying another bloody hamster every few months.

The Fast-Track Route (CNC Operator)
So what if you don’t have time for an apprenticeship? You just want to get in there.
I have found that in engineering the most important thing is that you can do the job. Once you prove that your in.
No one really gives a flying shit weather you have a PHD, or a Grade One Swimming Certificate and a badge that says “I’ve been a Good Boy” from when you had your Polio vaccination.
At some point you need to find a company that will give you an opportunity as an absolute novice. Fortunately there are still plenty of these around.
Look for a company that has all the machines you want to work on. Then try and get a job, even if it’s only cleaning the shit-houses. Lots of people have started off in companies doing simple tasks like de-burring parts and then move on to the job they really want.
CNC Training Centre
I would recommend that you start by doing this course with us.
Absolute Beginners CNC Operator
This will get you started as a CNC Operator.
The course is for absolute beginners. The only thing you need to bring along is a real interest in CNC Machining.
It is a two day course that gives you an introduction to CNC Machining and operating a CNC Machine.
Virtual Reality
When you train at the CNC Training Centre You get your own virtual machine to practice on.
When you complete your training with us you can start applying for CNC Operator Jobs.
We recommend that you do the two day beginners course then continue with either Setter Operator Milling or Setter Operator Turning.
Be Patient
Your time will come. Keep listening and learning and watching.
YouTube has loads of CNC related stuff. You can learn about tooling and machining. When the opportunities come you will be ready.
CNC Operator, The Catch
You don’t have experience even though there are loads CNC operator jobs
Well yes this is a problem.
So What is, in your favour?
Don’t forget it’s not just about operating a machine.
- You are reliable.
- You can you get out of bed in the morning and you are never late.
- Tidy worker?
- Friendly?
- Will you do overtime if asked?
The list goes on so sell your good points and don’t forget the fact that you trained with us and it was on your own initiative and enthusiasm.
Direct potential employers to this website to let them look at what you have already done.
You’ll get a certificate of completion so make sure you show them this.
Above all no bullshit. Make sure you don’t exaggerate. If you bulshit, everyone will end up dissapointed and your confidence will take a massive knock.
They will more than likely recognise the CNC Training Centre and may have had staff train here.
Next Step (Become CNC Operator)
Once you get a job as a CNC Operator don’t just read the newspaper (younger readers may need to google “newspaper”). Or piss around with your mobile phone all day.
- Read the programme
- Look at the modal G Codes
- Try n work out what the machine is doing
- Ask for a printout of the programme.
- Ask loads of questions
- Pay attention when someone is setting your machine for you.
- Make sure you show a real interest in what’s going on.
When opportunities arrive to progress, and they will, you will be ready.
One day when you ask your setter to adjust something like an offset he will be too busy. This is when you get your chance.
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