CNC Lathe Tool Nose Radius Compensation

CNC Lathe Tool Nose Radius Compensation

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CNC Lathe Tool Nose Radius Compensation

This video “CNC Lathe Tool Nose Radius Compensation” is a follow up from my previous video “Tool Nose Radius Compensation on a CNC lathe”.

When you use tool nose radius compensation on a CNC Lathe (that means we are using G41 and G42) you have to tell the machine where the cutting point of the turning tool is so that the correct tool path is produced.

On a CNC Milling machine the cutting point is the centre of the tool but on a CNC lathe there are numerous choices depending on how the tool is going to cut.

This is sometimes known as the virtual nose position or the Tool Cutting Point. It is usually shown in a square diagram like this.

CNC Lathe Tool Nose Radius Compensation

It is designated by a number from 0 to 9. On a Haas control this is under the column TIP on a Fanuc control it is usually under the column T although it is different on some controls.


You would be forgiven for thinking that T stands for tool and that it is the tool number (sorry it aint). Mmm I dunno the jury is out on this one.

CNC Lathe Tool Nose Radius Compensation


On the offset page your machine will need to know the X and the Z position of the tool. If you are using a Tool Presetting arm or you want to use tool nose radius compensation (and you definitely should) then you will need to input the Tip Radius under the R column and the Virtual Nose position under the T column or the TIP column on a Haas.



CNC Lathe Tool Nose Radius Compensation

So when you use CNC Lathe Tool nose Radius Compensation the computer will allow for the radius that you specify for your tool. The cutter path will also use the cutting point that you specify.

Below is a tool measurement arm. This can automatically measure a turning tool. It will need to know the type of tool in order to measure it in the correct part of the square. This boring bar would be a type 2.

CNC Lathe Tool Nose Radius Compensation

So here it is folks and remember……..


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