Category Archives: Beginners

Fanuc Editing Copy and Paste

Fanuc Editing Oi Model D. This does vary on the age of your control this article is for a newer control (Fanuc Oi Model D).

Read this article if you want to see Fanuc Editing 18i (older control) or this one for older Oi control  copy and paste.

Now I’ll warn you that it’s not a simple process but if you get into the habit of using it you’ll never leave home without it.

I am definitely not going to rant on and on about why all these simple procedures were not introduced years and years ago. Why has the editing on CNC controls generally been so shit over the years?

I am also not going to rant and and whinge about how fuckin complicated it all is.

I mean bloody hell all I want is to take this shit here and join it to the end of this shit here.

I’m not asking  for an “X Factor Audition Here” (Simon if you are reading this my contact details are above) I only write this crap to try and make some money, my really passion is singing and exotic dancing in my underwear. I really want this Simon, just one chance is all I need.

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Ten Things You Might Not Know About The Fanuc Sub Program

Sub Program Fanuc

Here are ten things you might not know about Fanuc sub programs,

Fanuc CNC controls are the most common controls in the world so it might be useful to have a good understanding of how sub programs are called and used.

(1) You Can Call a Sub Program By Name.

Yes you heard it here the program can be called by it’s name or it’s number. When calling by name don’t use the P.

Just put the name of the program in these things <> with an M98 and your away.


The only problem with this is that the syntax needs to be spot on so if you have got complicated names for your your sub routines then you might be in the shit.

I always call mine names like ALBERT that are easy to remember.

(2) You can use internal sub routines on a Fanuc Control.

Some people call these local sub programs. It just means it’s tagged on the end of your program which makes them nice n easy to look after. A bit like a pet Goldfish or a pet fly.

I bought mine from the local pet store. I asked the assistant if he sold pet flies and he said no. I said “well there are loads in the window”.

Anyway he sold me one (£15) his name is Paul


This is not him this is Steve.

Internal Sub-Routines

By typing M98 Q500 your control will look for N500 within your current program. This is great because you can add the sub programs to the end of your main program. Don’t forget to leave big gaps so you can clearly see where and what they are. Oh and mind your P’s and Q’s.

M98 P500 (Call O500 externally)

M98Q500 (Call N500 in main program.

Oh and read this too.

Sub Program

Just one other thing. Watch your n numbers it’s easy to get them mixed up. Try and use a convention.

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CNC Beginner Where To Start

Category : Beginners New Stuff

Classroom Training Click Here

CNC Beginner, at the CNC Training Centre we get emails every day from people trying to get into CNC Machining and programming.

All our courses are still only £250 per day plus VAT

They ask how to start as a CNC Beginner.

CNC Beginner

The idea of the beginners courses at the CNC Training Centre is to get you started on your CNC career path.

It takes years to become a skilled engineer the clues in the title “skilled”. The good news is no one is going to stop you.

Beginners CNC Machining Course

CNC Beginner

What I mean is, that although it may be hard to get that foothold, once you’re in all you need to do is work hard, learn and progress.

At the CNC Training Centre we can help you do this.

Because companies are desperate for good people they want you to succeed. All you have to do is perform.

You already have the most important requirement:

  • You’re flexible.
  • You are friendly.
  • You’re never late.
  • You don’t phone in sick Monday morning cos you’ve been on the piss all weekend.
  • You listen and you want to learn.

This is you isn’t it?

Hope I’m not talking to the wrong person here.

So if you already have all the above qualities then all you need is an opportunity.  My advice is quite simple get into the environment.

In other words find a small engineering company with CNC Machines and get any job they have on offer even if your just cleaning the shit-houses.

That way you have a good chance of getting started on a machine. Even if your just making the tea it’s a start.

Bullshit Never Works

Recently almost everyone I train has a story about this bloke who started at their company. CV looked amazing, in practice he knew Jack Shit and two weeks later he either walked out or was slung out.

Please don’t let this be you. Everyone including you becomes very pissed off. Your confidence takes a massive knock, not to mention that you look a twat.

Tell the truth but show confidence and a willingness to learn. Be honest about what you can and can’t do. You’ll be surprised your good looks and magnetic personality will get you the first step on the steep CNC ladder.

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CNC Programming Running Order

CNC Programming Running Order (CNC Basics)

CNC Programming Running Order

CNC Programming Running Order, the order of your CNC code within one block does not matter (see below)

Or does it?

O0001(G81 DEMO)
G21 G90 G40
(G90 G40 G21) Works the same
(M06 T01) Works the same
G90 G0 G54 X12.64 Y88.0 S2546 M3
(S2546 M3 G90 G0 G54 X12.64 Y88.0) Works the same

However it is best to keep the order the same. Create your own convention and stick to it.

G90 G0 G54 X12.64 Y88.0 S2546 M3

So if you always put the speed and M3 (spindle start clockwise) at the end of the first position line try to always stick to that.

It Could Save You

If one day you miss out the speed for example. You will look at the code and it will look strange. You will immediately realise what is wrong.

It’s like the time my cooker got pinched, I looked in the kitchen and their was an old pince of cheese and a dirty floor where it used to be. Whilst I was thinking of a recipe to use the old cheese in I thought “something is wrong”.


You will get used to the order of your programs and they will be easier to read, so the CNC Programming Running Order is important.

This helps not only you but your customer, the machine operator or setter.

CNC Programming Running Order

Imagine you have not seen this program for a while. How long will it take you to realise how it works and what it does?

When you look at any code that I write, in any of my articles, I always use extra end of blocks to space out the code.

Compare CNC Programming Running Order to paragraphs in a book, that is how we visually can jump around the pages.

If for example you were looking at an old program,  you would quickly be able to scan the program and see what’s going on.

So although the order does not matter to the machine it matters to you, try to make your programs consistent and to a regular pattern.

Anyone using your programs, including you, will find them easy to read and to fault find.


  •  Try to keep XYZ in that order to save confusion.
  •  Make your first three or four lines of each tool always follow the same pattern.
  •  Turn on the coolant in the same place (if it’s not there you will notice).
  •  Start the spindle in the same place and the same when you switch them off.
  • Produce an SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) documenting program layout.
  • Bunch code together in meaningful blocks.

Please contact me if you require:

  • CNC programming training.
  • Want to learn CNC programming.
  • Fanuc control training.
  • Yasnac programming training.
  • Any type of CNC course.
  • Fanuc training courses
  • CNC lathe training
  • CNC Vertical Machining Centre training

Services offered at CNC Training Centre

Edgecam training.

Classroom programmer training.

Onsite CNC Machine Training.

Siemens Sinumerik Training

CNC Training on all controls and machines.

Mazak Training Fanuc Training

Don’t forget we offer training on all types of Mazak Machines and all Fanuc Controls 6m to 31i Oi old to young.

How do you become a CNC machinist?

Category : Beginners

For On-site CNC Training Contact David: 0783 858 407

How do you become a CNC Machinist ?

For On-site CNC Training Contact David: 0783 858 407


Every day at the CNC Training Centre we get calls from people wanting to get a job as a CNC Programmer or CNC Machinist .

We can’t get you a job but we can get you started on the path.

That’s why we put these courses together.

These courses are designed to get you started on CNC Machining.

If you are a beginner and want to do a hands on course that teaches you to become a setter operator then try these two courses. These are ideal if you think you can get a start on the ladder and don’t want to jump in at the deep end.

Setter Operator Beginners Turning

Setter Operator Beginners Milling

For absolute beginners with no experience at all. Looking to start a career in CNC Machining..

Beginners CNC Machining

If you work on a CNC machine already and you want to advance by learning some programming skills then look at these two courses.

Learn to Programme Basic Milling 

Learn to Programme Basic Turning

I’ve read enough just let me Apply Now


It’s important to realise that there is absolutely no guarantee that you will get a job at the end of this training.

Or a company car.

Read to the end of the article for the good news.

These are two day courses but it will take years to become a skilled machinist.

Beginners CNC Turning

CNC Machinist

Beginners CNC Milling

CNC Machinist

These courses are for people who have little or no experience and the idea is to get you on the first rung of the ladder.

Starting with moving the machine around in Manual Mode.

CNC Machinist

To creating simple programmes.


CNC Machinist


You’ll learn some basics about measuring equipment.

CNC MachinistCNC Machinist

And we’ll teach you about the common materials used in manufacturing.

Well maybe not gold but steel, brass, aluminium and stainless steel.

I served my time at Rolls Royce as an apprentice circa 1971 (do the maths I’m a real old git).

Well maybe not that old.

It took four years before you could even start as a proper engineer. Even then there was a kind of unwritten rule that you still needed a fair bit of time before you actually would be any good.

In them days there weren’t many people who could call themselves a CNC Machinist. That technology was in its infancy.

There were over 200 apprentices at Rolls Royce then. If you add to that all the other companies in Coventry alone. The pool was massive.

Manufacturing was destroyed in the UK in the 1980’s. Let’s not get political. But it isn’t any better now.



Before I put you off all together and you start looking into hairdressing let’s give you the good news.

The Good News

There is a huge demand for CNC Programmers, Machinists, Setters and Operators. That means it’s a good trade to be in.

Employers are inclined to take more of a risk as a result.

More Good News

There are no filters. Engineering is still old school if you can do it you’ll more than likely get the job.

In the smaller companies no-one cares too much about what qualifications you have if you can do the job.

Please don’t quote me on this it’s just an observation.

So that means if you’re a quick learner and you study hard you got a good chance.

Suggestion To Become a CNC Machinist

Do anything you can to get started in a small CNC Machine shop.

Cleaning up, making the tea anything. There is a good chance if you keep getting in the way, one day when they are really busy you’ll get a chance to run a CNC machine.

Mine is a single-shot-caramel-soya-latte in a Chevron Denby cup.

The number one criteria is to be reliable!!

Of course you need to keep reading the articles on this website.

Colleges are a good place to get the basic training as an engineer but you’re probably not in a position to go to full time college.

You may well have to take a drop in salary to get started but try not to think about the money.

That’s easy for me to say. What I mean by that is if you get any opportunity to learn then grab it. It may mean working over or coming in at the weekend but….

The learning is yours forever.

We offer onsite training and before I start working with my students I always talk to them about their own personal development.

The company they work for is spending a lot of cash to train them and will gain massively from the training. The student will be a lot more valuable as an employee.

That student may even get a pay rise.

The real gain

Knowledge is power.

Now I don’t mean you can go and invade some rich oil state or become a judge on the X Factor.

(Yes that is me) but I ‘m not trying to sell records today.

Your value on the job market is now much higher so every opportunity to learn you need to take. Don’t get me wrong a pay rise is lovely and not to be sniffed at but it’s only as good as it lasts. When you lose your job there is no guarantee you will get paid as much in your next position.

What I always say to students is that if they get made redundant they will gladly pay for college courses or training courses. They will in fact expect to pay.

So when offered any kind of training in the workplace keep this in mind. That is if you want to become a CNC Machinist.

When you get a chance to go onto a new machine or learn don’t hesitate. Yes you are helping the company but even if they don’t realise that think if your own personal development.

Remember knowledge is power.

Beginners CNC Turning

CNC Machinist

Beginners CNC Milling

CNC Machinist

So what you waiting for? Apply Now

Thanks for reading

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